Why Choose Us


At praxcode, we take every project as an opportunity to do something new an innovative, something better, and try to exceed expectation.
One of the most outstanding achievements at praxcode is the diversity of project management wherein the company is able to deliver an integrated approach to technological solutions within a limited framework of time, resource cost, quality and delivery as per the standards and expectations of our clients.

100 +
Happy Clients

40 +
Global Projects

300 +
Projects Delivered

1000 +
Cups of Coffee

When You Work with us You Get

Quality Assurance

Think stringent quality assurance measures at each steps of project execution,we ensure that we deliver meets our client's expectations perfectly,even exceeds them. We apply state-of-art methods and tools in our solutions, whether development or marketing, to deliver great value to our clients.

Transparency :

At praxcode, each project is assigned project coordinator who stays in constant touch with client to share progress report with them at each stage and take feedback in timely manner through our in-house project management system.


Customer first is our motto. Nothing is more important to us then the satisfaction and happiness of our customers at every stage of our relationship.

Everything under one roof

Design, Development, Mobile App, Conversion, Marketing, Branding . whatever is that your business needs, praxcode has the answer.


We believe in building long-term relationship with our clients, and that is why we offer them free website maintenance services after project delivery. We assist clients in understanding how the system works, as well as provide technical support in case they run into any trouble.

Praxcode Technologies © 2016-24 All Rights Reserved.
Our Terms apply to every service we agree with our clients. Praxcode Technologies is primarily a Website Design, SMO, SEO & Mobile App Development company.